Chapter 3: Jewelry Photography Depth-of-Field

The depth-of-field is controlled by the aperture setting on your camera.  Aperture is also known as an f-stop, and those terms are used interchangeably throughout the jewelry photography course. 

The f-stop is a physical setting on your camera lens that controls the internal iris diaphragm and the resulting depth-of-field of your photo. This setting is the main factor in dictating how much of your jewelry will be in focus; it's also one of the most difficult settings to achieve on your camera because you need extremely bright light for the best results. 

In this chapter, you'll find out how the f-stop settings work and you'll discover the most important aspect of capturing a perfect in-focus jewelry photo.

 Watch the preview video below to get a sneak peek of this video chapter.  

This diagram comes directly from the jewelry photography course handout material

This diagram comes directly from the jewelry photography course handout material



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